
By KathyH58


Tulips in my front garden and a rhododendron. The rhododendron shown here bloomed in the fall of 2022, it never bloomed in the spring of 2023. It bloomed again in the fall of 2023, now it is blooming again. Normally rhodos bloom in the spring. This one has had its seasons really mixed up.

Slightly cooler today than the past couple of days, but it was still nice enough that I was able to take my sweater off by noon.

I had a meeting with a contractor today, we worked on one of his other jobs last month, then I didn't hear from him till today. He knew that I was bringing my crew to the other job, but he didn't like that they were all students. I told him that my students show up and they work hard, unlike a lot of the 30+ age range that I have tried to hire in the past. If he doesn't like that, then it's his problem, and I am going to tell him, if he wants me on one of his jobs, then my students come with me. I am so tempted to go knock on the door myself, and offer to give her a quote on the garden maintenance directly.

I get compliments on my team on a regular basis, so I know my clients appreciate them. And they like to see the students working and enjoying themselves too. When they finish a task, they don't wander off, they ask what needs to be done next.

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