Busy day and tears :-(
Well today wasn't a great day.
It started out where we needed to leave for Rhythm Time by 10.45, but Eva fell asleep at 10.20. I was so close to just not going as the morning had been a bit faffy with her waking early then going back off and her feeds a bit all over the place. But I thought, no, she'll be fine and I still took her. She was totally fine once we were there, she absolutely loved it as usual, but when I got back, because I was going out again at 1.30 and my mom was having Eva, it was all rush rush rush again as she was hungry but also shattered so when I tried to feed her she fell asleep, then it was time for me to go, so I had to wake her up again.
Well, I got back from my appointment back to my moms, and Eva had had really bad wind and had cried her absolute eyes out for most of the time I'd been gone, and done about 6 big burps my mom said, so I felt like the worlds worst Mommy. I'm still upset by it now as I back write this 2 days later.
As you can see by the pic of the day of her with Uncle David, she was soon ok again but I hate to think of her so upset and I wasn't there.
Stupid busy day :-(
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