
By LifeLines


A plate of treasures from beach walks. It’s a small but growing collection! You may also notice a small silver acorn. It was a gift from a colleague who recently left our workplace and gave it with the sentiment of hope - ‘great oaks from little acorns grow’. The significance of this will become clearer later this year.

It’s been a working day for me but I managed an early morning walk to the allotment to do some weeding and slug picking (!), and then in the glorious sunshine of the early evening to cut the grass which has grown about a foot in just a few weeks. It’s hard to keep even vaguely on top of it all at this time of year but it’s wonderful to be outside in the abundance of May.

- For sunshine and blue sky this afternoon after a very wet morning.
- To a new colleague who is a joy to have in the team. She’s skilled and knowledgeable, inclusive and considerate, and so much the kind of person we needed.
- To the hedgehog who frequents the green spaces on our street and who I watched slowly wander along in the search for food this evening.

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