Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Late birthday celebration

G did her school run first thing in the morning whilst I got ready for my day at the office. All good on that front. I was able to do a little research on car parts. I finally got a report at the end of the day. The list was longer than I gauged for, but not too bad.

My cousin Sarah invited us to join her for lunch at a Pakistani restaurant not far away. Pauline was invited as well, so we had a good catch-up. We already had a dinner commitment in the evening. Shveta, from work, included us in her birthday celebration. She chose the Sol Sky Bar! The outlet provided the cake, which I have to say was delicious! The evening was lovely, even if we started much later than planned, but I think we are well and truly coming to the end of doing things outdoors, even in the evenings. :))

We finished the evening taking Shveta and her husband, Gaurav, on a mini tour of mostly old Dubai.

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