We soooo needed this.
We hadn’t packed but we’re quite good at it now so we were on our way by 10….via Dans to drop in a sandwich and some shopping.
The Rev was delighted he was able to drive again…
#Beer and pasty stop on route and time to answer 3 calls re Dan’s medical care (not exactly getting away from it!!)
I drove the rest of the way to this…
#our shepherds hut in Snettisham. We are surrounded by fields and our neighbours are horses and sheep!!!
##small and compact but perfect for 2. It’s obviously very new.
#In the evening a friend of the Rev’s and her husband joined us. She became the new vicar at a church The Rev was a curate at about 15 years ago!!! We haven’t seen them in a while. The Rev did his famous Steak Diane meal. I did the desserts (thanks Asda!). It was a lovely evening but they stayed too late…we were very tired by the time they went.

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