Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Ogden Street

Well there is one thing there is no shortage of or difficulty in getting a shot of and that's graffiti.  It's everywhere.  Spoilt for choice I was heading to a spot near the railway lines which is heavily graffitied but I came across a set at the back of some shops in little Beiruit.  (Don't ask).  I rather like the cat here so here is my blip for Carolina's theme today.  Thanks for hosting.

Maggy and I visited the home this morning but they have Covid again in one wing and there was a residents meeting upstairs so it was a very quick visit.  This was followed by Covid and Flu jabs in both arms, followed by a quick trip to join up again to the library and take out an Ann Cleeves book I was after followed by the graffiti hunt.  It time for some drumming practice.

The extra is a muriel I found in the back lane as I was heading in to get my jabs.  It is absolutely delightful. 

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