
By carliewired

68 F/ 20 C

Home renovations
have inherent problems to
mitigate or not....


I was awake after 5 waiting for the sun to pour into the house and for our scheduled trip to the home building store. My daughter and I had made a substantial purchase of materials and supplies online yesterday to further the renovations in my house. Some items were to be delivered, some were on order and some had to be collected at the local store. We decided to have breakfast out, then head to the store in my handy old truck to pick up the items.

While in the restaurant, we received a text message to say part of the order was denied due to my credit card. Another text showed us an item had just been delivered to our front door while we were enjoying our breakfast. The customer service centre inside the store could not tell us anything about the status of our big order. My daughter checked her store account online but it showed no order in the last 6 months. We were very confused. 

We managed to load some big pieces of countertop materials and paint into my truck. My daughter tied the canopy gate down to the hitch to keep the load together on the drive home. Once home, she kindly unloaded it all for me. 

The ordeal was to get on the phone to call the home building office, then  my bank to get it all sorted. It seems that although we made one large order all at once, the building store divided it up in house. So to my bank, it appeared as though several separate charges were made thus causing the bank to see 'fraud' in those transaction. Part of my order was then denied. The bank was supposed to alert me by text or phone, but that did not happen. 

Thankfully, it is all in working order now and the building store has issued us a gift card for all our troubles today. 

It is a beautiful day and the last of our Victoria Day long weekend. After all that nonsense this morning, I need a nap. 

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