
By carliewired

59 F/15 C

It's back to grey with 
showers in the offing, and
we need all there is


I was on my way to Vantage Point by the airport by 6:30. There was no sunshine seeping into my bedroom to give me that wake up call this morning. 

I walked a short way on the Rivers Trail to get the shot of my mountains beyond the river bend. I walked along the access to the float plane dock to get a look into the river where I spied a mallard poised on a log in the river. I noticed the wild roses are in bloom beside the dock. Across the road, two float planes are still sitting idle. I had a brief chat with a lady walking her fuzzy dog, then I was off to the grocery store. 

To my surprise, my grocery store was very busy at 7:15. There was some one day sale on that I didn't know anything about. I got my two bags full and left for the drive-thru for some breakfast. 

As I inched forward in the drive-thru I noticed the sign on the back window of the truck in front of me. I'm not really understanding what "Legends Never Die" is referring to. I don't know who this man in a turban holding a rifle is. Since the truck had children as passengers I question the sentiment. I don't care for anyone advocating violence. 

I'm home for the day with more paperwork to keep me occupied. I'd much rather be painting or quilting! 

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