
By BGCoffee

Kylemore Abbey

We decided to stay an extra day here in this paradise and so we have all day tomorrow to sit and enjoy the sea and read - already into "This is Happiness" recommended by amandoAlentejo.  But today was L's turn to visit the place we had originally chosen to camp close by, as it was on her list of gardens to visit.

The main photo is of the magnificent Abbey and its impressive setting by the lake.  Originally owned privately by the Henrys, tragedy struck when they visited Egypt and Mrs. Henry died of dysentery.  Mr. Henry could not bare to stay there and so sold it on, but not before building a miniature cathedral in honor of his wife.  Over time the place was converted into an Abbey and a thriving school where amongst others, 2 Indian princesses had their education.  Unfortunately the school closed in 2004 due to declining numbers, and rising costs, but now that hordes of visitors pay tourist rates to visit and buy super expensive items from the shop, it is thriving.

The garden was very impressive, even to me, not a garden afficianado, but L really enjoyed it and you can see her strolling down her very own herbaceous border in one of the extras.

Ken the pig features in another extra, couldn't resist as I am rather fond of pigs, both alive and as bacon or pork sausages, this guy was charming and so here he is.

Lastly some marble pillars and carvings in the miniature cathedral which I found to be very impresssive all around the sides of the gothic church.

We finished the day at a local pub/seafood restaurant and had excellent fish and chips, though the fish and chips LV procured back in Darlington are still superior IMO.

Another good day here and the extra night will make allow us to continue to enjoy these beautiful part of the world.

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