
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 75/87
Main activity: Mon - house, work, library, pool, work
Notes: Up early but back to bed several times and slept until just after 8a! More grogginess but did some work, walked over to library to print 2 color copies (Awards certs) to preview. Around 11a, went to pool, hot but some breeze. There until ~noon (thought this pic of layers and reflections was so interesting!). Back and off-and-on work most of the afternoon w/ meal in the middle (grass-fed burger w/ avocado and arugula salad). Was not a great-feeling day in most ways and I had to keep re-directing myself away from housing and sheer exasperation. Streamed shows in the evening, texting w/ Jason for quite awhile and then heard from Michelle and we both went headlong into some deep abandonment wounds from long ago. Quite emotional but likely healing.

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