
By KathyH58

Tulip garden

I was reminded of this garden in my Facebook memories this weekend, so I decided to check on it today and see how it has progressed in 2 years. There are not as many tulips as there was 2 years ago, but that is to be expected as most of the tulips that are available now only last 2 - 3 years.

I stopped there on my way to a garden center to pick up some plants for a job this week, as if I didn't buy enough on the weekend. I stopped to talk to one client about what she wanted done this year on my way to Elmsdale and stopped to talk to another one on the way home.

Only 11 more days to keep myself from killing the roommate. The garage door opener worked on Friday afternoon because I put some things in the garage when I was getting the truck cleaned out for the weekend. Today when I tried to open it using the remote, it wouldn't open. I go in thru the house and try the opener beside the door. It doesn't work either. I woke the roommate up at 4 PM, yes, he was sleeping at 4 in the afternoon. He had taken the furniture out thru the garage on the weekend. He is too stupid to use the opener, so he pulled the door up manually. I don't know what happened to it. Of course he is refusing to pay to have it fixed. Right now, I am so pissed at him, because now I have to open and close the door manually when I am moving plants in and out on a daily basis.

As for the furniture, he simply put it to the curb with a sign on it saying 'free'. I live at the end of a cul de sac, so there is not much traffic here, other than people who live on the street or people who are visiting someone. I took some photos and put it on one of the Buy Nothing groups on Facebook. I had several replies, and someone finally came and picked up all 3 pieces this evening. It's better if someone can use it, than letting it go to the garbage.

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