Capital adventures

By marchmont

Another work in progress

I got up early and had a swim and then home to do a few things for me and Mum before heading to the garden to paint the shed. This included a call with #1 son to discuss arrangements for the apartment,  reviewing the last solar quote and hearing from DFS that it took them 4 - 6 weeks to send out a fabric sample - fit?!

 It was a beautiful day - blue skies and sunshine and I'd dragged the painting clothes out from under the stairs.  The paint/treatment needed to be applied in 2 or more coats in no more than 8 hours so I took the advice and only did two sides, less the door, which will be a different colour.  It was hard work - up and down the ladder and then sat on the ground between bushes but I got it done.  I also conformed the solar installation - 3 June and took pics of my dying winter flowering cherry for Lord of the Trees.

Then a rest in the sun and a wee doze.  I was there till after 7.  It was lovely, so peaceful with just the birds singing.  Came in and made tea and then watched more Astrid in Paris, series 3. 

I feel like I'm getting a lot done. 

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