Capital adventures

By marchmont

Still in progress

Unsurprisingly I did not wake up early this morning. Laundry, a couple of emails then out to do the door. It is slow. I knew it would be.

I was supposed to have two short meetings today. One was very short, the other didn't happen. As the day went on the cloud came over and I was worried it would rain. It did, but much later.

And the DGS sample came bang on the 2 weeks I was told so that's chairs ordered. 

A mid afternoon ACOSVO meeting with too many people liking the sound of their own voice. I was was back in the Zoom habit of multi tasking. 

After a quick visit to Margiotta and then TV. I have ironing to do but that's tomorrow. 

I still have 2 sides of the shed to treat, but not till dry days are forecast. 

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