Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day .......................... to barter

The camassia bulbs that are growing amongst the meadow grass have just burst into flower - and they make a very pretty sight.  But apparently in days of yesteryear, they were an important food staple for indigenous people and settlers in parts of the American Old West.

They were cultivated as an important crop, with the ground often being improved to increase the harvest of their bulbs.  After coming out of the ground, the bulbs were pit-roasted or boiled - a process that could take up to two days to cook them properly. The look and taste were something like baked sweet potato, which was then pounded into a paste and made into cakes. 

It doesn't sound at all appetising but apparently they were much in demand - and a useful bartering tool to exchange for other goods ..................... 

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