The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Extended Stay

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny & The Mini Princesses,

I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream…

The Prince and I were in our living room. He gave me an enquiring look and indicated a Christmas tree in front of the window which was about 12 ft tall and took up at least half of the room*.

In the dream, I was quite taken aback to see the tree. Although I knew it was there, I’d stopped noticing it to the point I’d stopped even seeing it. I actually woke up laughing as me in my dream said “and it’s almost June.”

I have no idea what it means either!


*I told The Prince who said that it was pretty much like our actual tree every year! There may be an annual ‘discussion’ about what size of tree would be best.

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