
By PorridgeWog

George's lugs again (Day 3298)

There was a bit of an odd noise when I was letting Sigyn out of the truck to go for the morning wander. The source of the noise became clear shortly afterwards when I spotted a cruise liner dropping anchor in the bay. Snapped a shot of it and got the ferry leaving (quarter of an hour early) in the shot too.
A little later I zoomed to town and collected some stuff, then back to Evie to finish off some pipework and then crawl around in the loft getting the new pipework insulated. I am pretty sure I do not need to get in the loft again, which is a massive relief.
Home for lunch, then out with Sigyn for a wander. After leaving her to supervise Mum, I headed to the horses and got George out for a ride through Stromness and along the shore. We encountered a lot of French tourists who were off the boat I saw anchoring. A lot of them wanted pictures of George and he obliged by showing them some of his best wheelies. He is such a fun horse to ride.
Back at the field, and in the absence of my beautiful wife, I got the field chores done as the mist rolled in.

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