Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64


With a friend, headed to the local supermarket this morning with the intention of catching up over a cuppa in the café, but when we arrived we were both tempted by the plant displays, especially when we found the “reduced” section. Fellow blipper Plz always does amazing things with bargain plants so I thought I’d give it a go and came away with three Delphiniums and three Hollyhocks worth £30 for £8.94! 

After that sunny outdoor cuppa I was tempted again and bought a Tomato plant reduced from £5 to 49p, except I was in such a rush to get home before my cover left that I didn’t notice I’d been charged full price, so I’ll have to return to get a refund. Maybe I’ll be tempted again!

Warm in the sunshine this morning but the cloud arrived at lunchtime, but not the forecast thunderstorms, a muggy 18 degrees.

Thank you for your kind stars and hearts for yesterday’s avian drama. With some string, I’ve tried to make the fat ball Starling-proof, fingers crossed it works!

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