Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Bus Challenge No 212

“The Bath Union Workhouse opened in 1838, amalgamating a series of parish-based poorhouses. It had its own chapel which has the year 1846 in stone above the western door. The foundation stone for the chapel was laid on 8 Feb 1843, it finally opened in 1846. John Plass, an inmate of the workhouse, was responsible for placing every stone.”

With time to spare before my Tai Chi class this morning, went for a wander in the rain in search of this little slice of local history. The aim of my Bus Challenges has always been to do/see/learn something new, and that’s what I did today. I must’ve been past here dozens of time but never noticed these buildings, nor their history. The chapel has now become derelict and the workhouse building has been turned into apartments, both sitting within the grounds of St Martin’s Hospital, to the south of the city centre.

Leaving the class 5mins early, I was able to make travelling time a little shorter today, but it still took two and half hours for a one hour class. Not sure if I’ll bother to go next week. And only half a Bus Challenge again as I grabbed a lift there in the day care taxi. A cold, miserably wet day, only 13 degrees this morning.

Bus journey time = 52mins
Waiting between buses time = 15mins
Total bus journey time = 1hr 7mins

Thank you for all your recent kind stars and hearts.

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