Gaia's Child

By maura143

Tiger In The Yard

An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly on some Penta flowers to be more exact. I never tire of seeing these large, beautiful creatures. Fun Fact: the male tiger swallowtail are always yellow with black stripes. The female can be either yellow like the male or all black, both with a splash of iridescent blue on the tails. The females' black form is called 'dimorphic coloration'. It mimics the Pipevine Swallowtail, which apparently tastes horrible to predators. Males seem to prefer yellow females but the black form females have a better chance of living longer. Just one of Mom Nature's little jokes!
A heart felt Thank You to all of you who left kind words, stars and hearts this past Sunday to help me celebrate my 4000 consecutive blip entries. 

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