Ed's Blip

By edjackson

Evening Entertainment

There was no way I was going to let Orla miss the start of the kids disco tonight. She was very excited about it. We went down to dinner at seven, then half an hour on the beach watching the sun set, then back to the hotel. I got a good seat and was joined by Ellie's family from Rotherham. The disco was very structured and a bit like kids Zumba combined with a pantomime. At the end all the kids had to drag a family member onto the stage to do a final dance to 'The Rhumba' which I recall all the kilties having to do a version of at our wedding. Orla loved it because she knew what the lyrics "abajo" and "arriba" meant. I enjoyed it too.

Orla made another friend (called Lili) in the pool late on in the afternoon. I thought she sounded just like Orla and found out later that she's from Aberdeen. Lili is about to start school in August like Orla so might be a better match for Orla to play games with (Ellie is only three and a half).

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