Police Patrolling for what?

I suppose we will read in the newspapers tomorrow! This Police Aeroplane was circling our suburb this afternoon! It flew very low over our house several times.

About a week ago we woke up to the same sound before the sun was out! Read in the papers a day later: A big truck, loaded with products for delivery to stores, was hi-jacked and the Police got news that it was hidden somewhere near our place. They caught them as soon as the day broke! The robbers noticed the circling Police Plane and got só nervous, they thought hiding in the residential area would be ?safest? for them, but to no avail!

I must admit, our local Police are very efficient! We stay quite close to the N4 West, a main road running from Gauteng to the far Western parts of the North West Province and ultimately to Botswana, and smugglers are quite active on this road, but our local branch of the SAP really works very hard to prevent as much as possible crime!

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