Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Another summer's day

Busy busy day today, worked all day, but managed to arrange it so that me and Bonnie had a lunch break by the shores of Bassenthwaite. It was so lovely just to sit still for half an hour and do nothing! Of course I took lots of shots of Skiddaw and Dodd across the lake but my favourite was this one and had I been at this spot a few seconds earlier I would have got an empty chair in the image which I was hoping for, but the owner returned. I did consider asking him to vacate it whilst I got my shot, but thought better of it!

Had a lovely walk with Bonnie on the marsh tonight. There was no sunset but it didn't matter as the colours in the sky made up for it. It was bliss just strolling along listening to the birds and watching the heron fishing for supper.

Work again tomorrow with a very early start so must have an early night. Will have a few hours at home before going out into the Lakes and lucky Bonnie will get a paddle in Crummock Water!

Will catch up with comments as soon as I can :)

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