Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Pinball Wizard

Firstly, a huge "woohoo" for not having to scale down images anymore before they're uploaded.

Secondly, I've been wanting to blip a building near where I live since I started this. Photographically it's nothing amazing but it holds a story for me. Today I went out and the sun was illuminating it perfectly *snap* and I was happy.

You might have noticed by now, that photo up there isn't a building. The building and sunlight will be there again sometime where as this discarded pinball machine that I found in Scotmid carpark would only be there for today. I wonder what it was doing there? It's not even like it was by the recycling banks.

In other news:

I'm off to visit the parents tomorrow armed with various fire toys (because it's been too long since I last played with them) and also with my trusty SLR. I realised I've four rolls of film sat in my bag and headed for a beautiful part of the country, I may as well make some use of them. I also want to try out my lovely new 28 - 200mm lens. I say "new" I got it on ebay just before I signed up to Blip and well the old film cameras not really seen the light of day since then in the fear I may miss a blip through getting a fantastic shot on film instead.

Also, I've realised that whilst on holiday in South Africa I thought them a little odd for putting ice in their wine, as I sit here in the 28'c heat sipping my iced apple wine, I can now totally understand.

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