Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Blipping Blippers!

After an uneventful train journey, I arrived safely in Penrith. Mum and I took some time out for a nice lunch and then I headed out for coffee and a good natter with my friend Lu. It was nice to catch up with her as I don't get to see her often enough these days. Time flies once we start nattering and I soon got the call to leave.

A piece of work hadn't been delivered during the day and so we found ourselves having to head out at Howtown to deliver it to the customer but despite the urgency of the trip, we still found time to stop along the lake. Well with three quarters of the car being blippers, the driver didn't really have much choice.

I had an alternate photo for today but instead I chose to blip the blippers as they blipped. I also learnt from this that walking on a gravel beach in high heeled strappy sandals is not advised. Neither is walking in long grass.

We've a quick visit to Gran then it'll be nearly dark enough for me to have a little spin with my fire toys when we get back, maybe tomorrow you'll see a shot of that, there again, who knows what exciting blip opportunities tomorrow will bring.

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