Ölü Deniz

The Muslim rule of no alcohol makes a huge difference to a small town like Dalyan. There is little graffiti, no litter, no gangs of kids hang round late at night, and very low risks of violence. There is a small play park which is very popular with local children and tourists at night when the restaurants are open. There are no broken bottles in it...some of the little kids play barefoot. Maybe we have a lesson to learn?

The importance of family is evident every day. No 3 is cuddled and kissed and chatted to by everyone. We are recognised in the street and even driving past in the car by the waiters we have stopped to chat to the night before. Everyone waves to us and calls out something.

A trip to the market today. The girls had liras to burn. The chat here is a hoot! 'Cheaper than Matalan', 'cheaper than eBay', or my favourite 'I don't sell rubbish shit...I just sell cheap shit'. At the shoe stall 'buy one get one free!' Made No 3 laugh. I imagine there is a discount for one legged tourists!

The stall holders have all the best patter. On passing one stall selling football strips I replied that I had all girls...their answer 'next time a boy!!!' They don't mind if you don't buy as long as you chat.

Haggling is compulsory. They name a silly price, you offer half, they look disgusted, you 'negotiate'. They are the masters of upselling. One of our waiter friends was working a stall and called out to us...He helped Mr S haggle the price for a leather belt, next thing I had bought a handbag! Then a bag was put round No3s arm...she paid with the liras in a little purse(money which she won from me at cards!) the stall holder chased after her to give her some money back to put back in her purse. It was very sweet.

Some people don't talk to them...they ignore them...it's very rude.

The Turkish men here work VERY hard. But they are not resentful or sullen. Yes, they want your holiday lira...but if you don't spend any they still remember you and wave later.

A trip up the coast to the beach which is famous for skies full of para gliders and pale blue seas. It was very touristy though. The personal touch was missing.

Oh...and No 3 bought a belly dancing outfit (I was offered an XL one!) she has downloaded belly dance lessons to the ipad and tinkles around the villa.

Come visit Dalyan. You will be welcomed with open arms and never forgotten.

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