Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The only photo I took today. Today’s been a bit crazy…just after lunch I begun my bus journey to my friend. My computer eas well packed in two large plastic bags and a towl. I have a tendency to be good at miss judging how mych time I need for somethinh and how mych space something needs… so my computer did stick out from the bags. Fortunately it didn’t rain. I also did have some trouble getting out all the things I needed to bring with me. The computer cord sat in a socket behind an armchair, and I had to rearrange furnitute to get to the socket.
The plastic bag has not the widest of handles so getting them over my arm and shoulder.
Finally arrived and went to my friends home and the changing of hard drive? Changing the hard drive went smoothly, also changing the glass, but when my friend tried to clone the old harddrive to the new, my computer said no way and gave us error code after error code… Finally my friend and her partner managed to get things started but it took so long that we decided to leave the computer to do its business and I’ll pick it up tomorrow, using my large hard case bag with wheel to bring it hime.

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