
By seizetheday

Still raining...

After yesterday's continuous very heavy rain, this was only light drizzle which eased up occasionally. I was damp by the time I'd walked to the surgery this morning for a medication review, but not wet through. Glad to report that the meds will remain the same for the next few months. Walked back via Lidl, and by way of celebration bought some of their excellent croissants for tomorrow's breakfast.

Wandered around the garden during a brief dry spell at lunchtime, and everything was sodden, including this little lupin. It hasn't experienced much sun since I planted it!

I was somewhat damp when I arrived at Soul Choir this evening, but soon dried off. One of the guys, feeling a bit fed up with being in the minority every week, had persuaded quite a few of his friends to come along this evening. For the first time ever, apparently, there were more men in the choir than there were women singing alto!

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