Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

The onion.

It is too late to ask her what she meant. My mum said, more than once, referring to her childhood, that she was always the onion. I assumed she meant that she was unloved or neglected compared to her siblings bacause I know that was her conviction.
I found no explanation on the web.
Some time ago I planted a couple of onion bottoms, just to see what would happen and I  now have three onion flowers and one bud.
I suppose anything can become interesting if you look at it closely, for long enough.
I'm feeling well this morning, so there goes my excuse for not going to the family gathering today. Hubby saw straight through it and I'm such a bad liar.
I have already picked a bag full of lemons and filled two bottles with precious oil but no home made strawberry tart. Cannoli siciliani and chocolate eclairs from a local bakery will be just fine along with a bottle of good wine, given to us at Christmas.
I will sacrifice myself once again but be very, very quiet.

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