Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird


She had one piece under her paw and the other one nearby.
This bone, which was absolutely huge, originally came out of the freezer in mid April. The idea was to bring Baldrick out of his depression while Grace was seriously ill at the vet clinic. He only managed to eat the surface gristle and the bone became a toy.
Since Grace has regained her strength, it has become an object of interest again, especially after she was able to break it in two, exposing all the cartilage and knobbly bits.
Baldrick weighs about 12kg and Grace 35kg, so she is in charge of the bones unless she is inside, having a snooze
on her rug, in which case, they belong to Baldrick.
On the way to the other family gathering, I reminded myself "this is not about you and be kind". 
The guest who had worst reputation did not turn up as he felt too poorly. 
We still received a mega dose of his quirks, crazy obsessions, ill health issues, as related by other guests, who were happy to unload uppn their audience. 
That out of the way, there followed generalised sharing of operations, illnesses, both physical and otherwise in which everone took part. 
Strangely enough, we could all see the funny side of most of it, perhaps because we are all still alive.
Both food and wine (Barolo) and cakes were beyond good.
Shortly before we are left, a couple of youngsters arrived, bringing consolation and joy to our hostess and a breath of fresh air and enthusiasm to all.
I tried to be respectful, in the background, while joining in the conversation. I worry sometimes that I can be overpowering or invasive. I may have got the balance right because I received, indirectly, some good feedback. Never to old to learn apparently.
The Titch lost his rugby match by a dignified margin, so I assume the he and his team are at peace with the result.

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