Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Shake a tail feather baby...........

Very quiet in the gym this morning, and no sign of Des, again.  Ann, who is a nurse, and is doing the covid jabs at our local medical centre, gave Des his jab last Tuesday, so she was wondering if he has had a reaction to the jab. John wasn't in the gym ,but turned up to have a coffee with us, which was nice. Afterwards, I walked into the fields to look for a blip, as  I walked over the bridge, I could see a few people looking over the bridge into the river.  Of course I had to go check out what they were looking at and saw mummy duck swim into the river with her duckling hesitating about following her into the river, After a hesitating start, the ducking swam into the river, but although it was paddling like mad, the current was taking it down stream. Mummy duck to the rescue, and she guided the duckling into the river bank, and out of sight. 
I walked half way home and J came to meet me as he didn't go out on his motorbike today due to the unpredictable weather.

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