Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Warburg Nature Reserve

Euan began the day creating rainbow crystals wearing goggles and using a pipet and test tubes, not surprising as his parents are scientists!  We had a reasonably leisurely start and then climbed in the car to drive south for a smashing walk in pretty Warburg Nature Reserve.  The forecast had threatened heavy showers and we did catch one not long after setting out, but waterproofs on we were undeterred and it soon came out sunny again.

It was lunchtime by the time we returned to the car and Becky had done her usual excellent location of a venue for eating.  This time we went to The Cheese Shed in the village of Nettlebed.   Nettlebed was quiet but the Cheese Shed was very popular.  They just do cheese toasties, made with two kinds of their own cheese, and soup and cakes.  The toasties were delicious.  We just climbed back in the car as the heavens opened so definitely had the best of the day.  On the way back we called in at the Toad Hall Garden Centre in the hope of finding some replacement herbs for the garden.  Euan was fascinated by a large water feature.  Then it was on to the HUGE John Lewis store in High Wycombe for Lego as a reward for Euan stopping sucking his thumb.  He has done very well since the conversation with the dentist who said she thought the tooth fairy may arrange some Lego if he could stop.  

Tomorrow London Zoo!

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