
By Mrsmacdub


This is a very late posting.

We did a quick run to the Farmers’ Market and the supermarket before breakfast this morning, then had a leisurely breakfast. There was a south westerly blowing a hooley and it was very cold as a result. We filled up the bird feeder but the wind quickly blew the liquid out of the small dish and emptied the bottle. 

I started the first step to make a batch of feta then got on with some household chores.  I moved onto the second step for the feta and continued with the household chores. When it came to the third I was concerned to see that the curd hadn’t set, so left it for a while in the hope it would. However, the curd still hadn’t set so I did a bit of research and tried adding some more rennet, to no effect. I called our blipper friend, Mima, who’s an ace at cheese making. After our discussion and looking at a video link she sent, I split the milk into two one litres, made ricotta with one litre and attempted to make yoghurt with the second litre. Tomorrow will tell. I think I need a fresh batch of rennet. 

We have to go to Dunedin tomorrow for the second operation on my hand, so I’ve been trying to make sure as much is done as possible as my left hand will be out of action for a couple of weeks. 

MrM made a vegetable concoction for supper, added some pasta and decorated it with roasted carrots.  it was delicious (see blip). 

I also took a photo of our oak tree blowing in the wind. 

I think I have Covid brain as I can’t seem to get my act together, especially when it comes to emails, texts and blip. 

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