
By Mrsmacdub

Ghoulish …

… is how my arm looked after it had been painted with antiseptic by the registrar’s assistant before the small operation on my hand to remove the rest of the skin cancer that wasn’t excised the first time. A nurse got me gowned up, took my blood pressure and weighed me for the local anaesthetic.  Another nurse came to ask me when I had last eaten and suggested it would be a good idea to have a sandwich.  She gave the choices and returned with a sandwich for both MrM and me.  The registrar came and had a chat with me about what would happen, what I would have to do to look after my hand after the operation, asked for my consent to a student scrubbing up and observing, and whether I wanted the bits back after the biopsy had been done. He also marked on my hand exactly where he would cut. The operation was done in a theatre by the registrar, with his assistant, two nurses and the student observer all in attendance. A bit of overkill I thought, but I certainly couldn’t complain about the excellent service I received. 

Afterwards MrM and I found somewhere to have a coffee and shared a slice of ginger loaf and a chocolate brownie. Then we went to the Harbour Fish shop and bought some fish for supper and some to put in the freezer. MrM drove us home, cooked supper and had to clean up afterwards as well, which I felt bad about. 

As we drove home the sunset was stunning and ever changing. Sadly, I couldn’t take a photo as I wasn’t able to hold my phone with just the one hand. 

My yoghurt experiment with the failed feta didn’t work but I got some more “sort of” ricotta out of it, so all was not lost. 

My ghoulish looking arm is the subject of today’s blip. 

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