Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Back to Athens

Greece day 9 Corinth back to Athens. 52 miles not always the most pleasant. Getting out of Corinth was tedious. We rode across the  slippery wooden planks (with big gaps) of one of the bridges going across the Corinth canal. Not very spectacular view until a few miles later and we stopped for another look at one of the main crossings. Then we dodged gangs of dogs along the quiet roads, especially on the detour as the  main road was closed. 

We enjoyed the 2 ferry crossings again (laughed at what someone had loosely strapped to his roof) and then fought the traffic and pedestrians in Athens. What a day! 

But, my tour guide was amazing and got me back to Athens safely, much ❤️ to Mr PB. 9 days of cycling and 431 miles and 8500m of climbing!

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