A Thousand a Day

By Daver64

What a Day!

Today started like any other Saturday, rising at 7:00 and heading out at 8:00 for a parkrun on the Town Moor. After a decent run, followed by a short wait in the scanning queue (we had 713 runners, this morning!) I had a brisk walk down to the station to catch a train to Nottingham.

At University Hall I was first through the door at 2:30, to get front row seats, where I was joined by Mrs Daver and two of #2's Uni friends to watch her performing with the Concert Band at NTU Music's Summer Celebration. We saw great performances showcasing the talents of four bands, a percussion group and a choir. 

A bus ride to Southwell followed, to check in to lodgings and grab a pub meal before jumping in the car to drive out to Sherwood Forest, to join #2 and her Conservation Society friends for an evening birdwatching walk. First ever sightings, (very brief glimpses, but they all count) of long-eared owls, woodcock flying overhead and the sound of nightjars chirring (heard, but not seen) made for a wonderful experience, before we drove #2 back to her lodgings and retired to ours sometime after 11:00 pm

I slept like a baby log!

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