
By SomethingAwful

This is Jack.

Isn't he a sweetie?

Busy day today. First, I headed on to campus for a much anticipated cuppa with the Knightcote girls. Met Axel on the Piazza, and we headed to Redfern to see Jess, Charlie and Helena. Unfortunately neither Helena nor Axel could stay for long, but it was nice sitting together for a bit. I stayed around in Charlie's bedroom chatting and watching videos of Lennon and Maisy Stella, those wonderfully talented girls, and of course regretting not spending more time like this.

After Jess left, I tagged along with Charlie as she went to the bank, and hung around the SU/SUHQ for a bit. Then called around to see who was on campus, and agreed to meet Jack at the Terrace Bar. Grabbed a copy of the Boar and waited in the atrium - yet another thing that I just didn't do enough during my time here!

Jack turned up, we discussed his grades, got a drink and spotted Tim with his maths buddies out on the terrace, so stopped for a chat and got an invitation to the maths department for free alcohol and nibbles... Didn't end up going - sadly for our wallets, gladly for our conversation!

I always enjoy chatting to Jack, he has so many stories to keep me entertained, most of the time in the past few days I've found myself just asking for his uni-life biography! We chatted while I nursed a pint for a looong time, and then headed back in the beginnings of a slight downpour, hopped on a bus, and thanks to Jack making me push through my fear of top decks, found Tim, Francesca, and her friend Tom sat there!

After hanging out at Jack's, letting him off playing guitar for me but forcing him to get a pizza down him, we headed back up North where he had a work social and I went home, in order to go out again. :)

Benjamin Satchwell's this time, where Axel and his photosoc friends were having a potentially final drink for some of them. The honourary Thom and Luisa were there too, obviously, and Chris showed up! Now, this is where things get a bit messy... Everyone was either celebrating or trying to forget results by Thursday, so Axel insisted that me, him and Chris share the duty of buying rounds for the rest of the night, and stick together of course, because it could well be our last night out together for a while! So here's how it started:
Chris bought us all shots of Something. I think it was a type of rum? Had to squeeze his hand to stop from vomiting.
Next round, shots of Jack Daniel's Honey from Axel, ta very much. (That's a drink that he introduced me to, actually, around the beginning of term one. JD honey memories include: trying it for the first time on Halloween in Kez's room, the first night I met Jack; pouring a shot of it into a bottle of Budweiser during elections night in Axel's room November - just to make it feel more American.)
My turn next, and as I insisted on buying sourz, I had to get two shots each - one red, one green. Down, down.

Eventually the crowd decided it was time to move on, and guess where we should end up? Kelsey's, of course! After hanging around upstairs for a bit where it was PACKED, and spotting some familiar faces, we headed into the basement and found somewhere to sit. More drinks, and Axel sent me with his vouchers (the voucher!) to get six shots of the day... but as they were Jaegermeister, I had to get myself sourz. Can't stand the stuff.

By this point the conversation was loud and flowing, and we headed back upstairs, I think to play some pool! Met someone who, after three years of recognising and wondering, I discovered went to my school. Headed home round about closing time, and I took the last few minutes before going downstairs to bed, to hug Axel goodbye, as he was heading off to Barcelona the next day and I was heading home in a few!

Today was the first day to be so filled with goodbyes. Glad I made the most of the time I had with old friends!

P.S. See here for more details.

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