
By SomethingAwful

What is cheeky?

Woke up feeling a bit worse for wear, although surprisingly chirpy! Hung out until after midday with the giggles and nausea, an interesting combination, and then went out, as planned, with Cathie and Gavin to Warwick Castle.

Walked through a lovely rose garden, toured the grounds inside and out, and came home after a pretty impressive demonstration involving a catapulted ball of fire.

On the way home, however, I was quite worried that my dream of going to Kasbah in the evening wouldn't transpire. Francesca had agreed to go with a couple of friends, so I had people to go with, but Sam had said last week that he'd come back up for the last night of term if I could organise a definite group trip, and it didn't look like it was happening! I got home and spoke to Sam, who had said he'd come if Charlie came, but she probably wouldn't come. Spoke to Gav and Cathie, who said that Cathie wouldn't go but Gav would if Sam was.
As my life hung in the ballots, I called Sam one more time and he asked what was going on. I think he heard the resignation in my voice, and could tell I was thinking of calling it off, and then he said "I wasn't going to tell you this, because it was going to be a surprise, but I'm stuck in traffic right now, on the way up". I'd already suspected that he might do something like that, but Gav brushed it off saying it wasn't like Sam, so obviously I was over the moon!

We ended up drinking/getting ready in Axel's room with quite a big group, although only me, Francesca, Gav and Sam went to take the uni express.

In short, one of the best nights out I've had all year.We even bumped into Dan. Cheap entry, cheap drinks, great company and great music. And not too packed! So glad we went.

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