Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Peonies Are Lovely…

…All over town at the moment.
This one isn’t mine. (But no one seemed to mind me taking the picture).

It was four seasons in one day hour today. I came home from work quite warm and steamy (I’d been cold when I went out).

I was talking to the (now totally recovered) Elderly One yesterday, and in answer to a question, the (I always expect ‘evasive’ anyway) reply was:
‘Well… It depends how Bonny trots’…
That was a new phrase to me.
So many questions.
Was it a Chinese Whisper phrase, that’s become distorted over the years? (Like ‘send three and fourpence, we’re going to a dance’). *
Who is Bonny? How even might she trot?

I shall probably never know!

(* Send reinforcements, we’re going to advance).

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