
By jennym999

Veg looking good!

This is not my allotment but a neighbouring one! The lady spends hours there every day ( 5-6 hours sometimes) and everything looks so perfect, unlike ours. She told me she was there early one morning after rain and collected over one thousand slugs.  She also spends lots on bags of manure and always seem to have new frames, netting etc. I rarely spend more than two hours there! 

This shows her tomatoes and squash which she has just planted, the tomatoes have egg shell around them to deter slug. Also companion planting of the marigolds all planted very symmetrically too!

She may get best plot again this year I think.

Woken up by Libby moaning and squeaking at 5.30. We think she was having a sort of fit so although she was fine afterwards we took her to the vet who is doing a blood test. So feeling very tired and need an early night.

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