
By HareBrain

Another garden

A little bigger, a lot bigger, huge times bigger than ours!
We’ve been down to South Shropshire today to visit friends to have a fresh briefing on our housesitting duties next weekend.  We have been there before to house sit when they had a flock of Indian Runner Ducks, 2 adult cats and 2 adorable kittens.  Now there are only 4 adult cats, the kittens have grown but sadly no ducks.  The last 2 remaining were run over and killed by a delivery driver on the drive.  There are now some beautiful Koi Carp in the original duck pond which will need feeding once a day.
R has built another beautiful pond near the house and built two gorgeous wooden steamer chairs from flat packs where we will be reclining on a sunny evening …….  hopefully ?? with a glass, or two, of wine enjoying the most magnificent view of part of the garden, which you can see from my Blip.
Whilst on our tour of the garden we saw a charm of Goldfinch on the feeders, two Nuthatches, Blue and great Tits, a friendly Robin and several sparrows.

R made us a lovely lunch of home-made lasagne, garlic bread and salad followed by a ginger and lemon cheesecake and coffee in her gorgeous conservatory.  It’s always a pleasure to housesit for our friends in their gorgeous house and gardens. 

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