
By BGCoffee


Our first night in Salisbury was rather wet but cosy and warm in the recesses of our camper! Salisbury is a place we always stop at, we met and married here and all 3 sons were born here. In addition, we have 2 couples who we have known for over 35 years who live within easy reach and we are due to spend time with them tomorrow and Friday. Thursday is a trip into London on the train.

So today, we enjoyed the Tuesday weekly market after a long but pleasant walk down by the river Avon into the city and did some shopping. It is a great place just to walk around with rivers around every corner it seems. The city has five rivers, the Salisbury Avon, the Nadder, the Bourne, the Wylie, and the Ebble. Photo of L standing by one part of the Avon. The extra is taken just behind where I took the main photo and features a very famous bench - the one in the foreground is where Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found passed out and dying from a Russian assassination attempt after they had been poisoned with Novichok. Oh and we walked 16,000 steps

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