
By PaulaJ


We took the girls to watch the Roman excavations in Carlisle. The dig is taking place again this year in May and June, so we thought it was a good opportunity for them to see what is going on. There are a lot of people involved, many of them volunteers, so it was interesting to watch. We got the help of a guide who explained what was happening, this time they are concentrating on the road that they have uncovered. It’s all very exciting.

Then we went for a meal at the Greek restaurant in Carlisle - excellent and great fun. Getting back, we found the weather was against the few who wanted a walk but they went anyway. I’ve no idea where grandad took them, but they managed five and a half miles and returned very muddy. The washing machine is in use and they are very glad grandma has a tumble drier as they return home tomorrow.

Meanwhile Ella and I did stitching. In extras is her finished piece - scraps chosen and put together - three embroidery stitches mastered.

Seems like we are playing Careers this evening. They love this game, the very one that I played at their age. (See extra)

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