
By PaulaJ

They still . . .

. . . indulge grandma by lining up for a photo as they leave. (They sometimes look back in my Blipbooks and like to see these photos over the years.)

We have had a lovely few days, despite the unreliable weather. They are now home and Gordon has gone to Manchester for a meeting, so the house is very quiet.

Just a word about the game ‘Careers’

When I was young we played a lot of board games. My parents must have bought them as they came out in the fifties and I remember we played them a lot, as a family and with friends and relations. I now have them. We played them with our children and now with the grandchildren.

I always liked Careers best of all and I now know why - it is the least competitive game of all. The idea is that you set your own target for ‘life’ - money, fame, happiness - by deciding how much of each, in terms of thousands of pounds, stars, hearts you are going to try to get. You can pursue different careers, go to university etc. and try to accumulate your target. It’s a very gentle game, but a lot of fun.

We are now playing it at the right time for these three teenagers, who spend a lot of time talking about what they want to do in the future, what subjects they like, what A levels etc, whether they might go to university. It’s all very exciting and the game is lots of fun in this context. My game dates from 1957, so very old! I’m not sure whether it is still available. I wonder whether it has ever been updated. It did not bother these girls that there were some very dated references. They love it as much as I do.

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