michigan man

By outdoorguy

Rocks, Water, and Blue Sky

The day finally arrived where I got to see a specialist, a gastroenterologist (thank you spelling helper.) My daughter Julie works with him at the hospital, he likes her, and BAM!..he got us in a month early.

What happened? Not much. He wants me to continue my antibiotics for 2 more weeks and then see me again. There was talk about a possible surgery, so we shall see. In the meantime, 2 more weeks of the medicine that doesn't treat me very well.

On the plus side, I felt pretty good today with only a 15 minute nap. 

The small waterfall feature was in front of the doctor's office. Love rocks...love water.

Lisa jumped all over my last post for not giving her credit for taking the picture, so yes...she did get out of the van to take this. Nicely framed I thought.

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