NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Nicola Tesla

We have left Croatia and entered Serbia who are the one's who invaded Croatia, feels a bit strange!

The Extra's first.
The morning tour took us for a tour of Belgrade including a very large and very ornate church, The Temple of St Sava,  which still not finished must have cost billions and from what I have seen the money would have been better spent else where! Just my opinion!
We also went to the Museum of Yugoslavia which is really the Mausoleum to Tito, I did not know that Tito was a nickname! I also didn't know that when Tito came to power he took ownership of all property and land and this is only being resolved now but to claim a property or land takes an age, 100,000 have applied and less than 40,000 have been completed.

The main Blip.
Nicola Tesla born and grew up in Serbia but moved to America the main Blip is one of his experiments being demonstrated, everyone standing around it held a florescent tube which lit up while the test was going on except a lady with a pacemaker and myself taking photographs. Tesla's ashes are there in a sphere, he was killed in the US after being his by a truck under suspicious circumstances after agreeing to build a "Death Ray" in the U.S.S.R. Tesla also had OCD, hated being touched, everything had to be devisable by 3 and wore gloves most of the time.

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