
By Marik_i

Cleaning and washing day

My cleaning lady sometimes comes with a workmate if there is more work. We had agreed to throw away the wilted daffodils from the patio and wash the windows today. Great, since the temperature is at last just right - 27C / 80F - and I can keep the door open, or sit on the patio as soon as there's some shade.
But there was more for today than just clean windows and clean chairs, there were clean dishes! 
I have never had a dishwasher because I have never needed one. One architect colleague said to me once that she would never get one, because she gets the best design ideas when washing dishes. That wasn't my reason, because maybe with my five dogs and three cats I could have said that I let them lick the plates. ;-)
But now I am old and my allergies and the sensitive skin make dishwashing a problem, and I decided to get at last a small washer that can be kept on the desk without any complicated installations.

The fun part of it is that it has a window!  
Since I haven't owned a television for decades, I can now watch how the plates are being washed. :-)  :-)

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