
By Marionb

She's got...

Betty Davis eyes! 

No exotic birds flitting about in my back yard asking to be photographed today! So, I concentrated on the mourning doves doing clean-up under the feeders...I usually ignore them for photos, but methinks that may have been a mistake...Does she not look ever so cute? And Oh those eyes.. So ready for her close-up! 

Today was Maggie's Dreaded Day..her monthly trip to the vet to get her arthritis shot. (extra) That exhausted both of us! She spent the rest of the day recovering from the stress; I did the same...:)) 

No gardening done today..but I could not resist a shot of my evil-weed-that-cannot-be-killed...the darn thing is blooming; it happens every spring and fools you into thinking - Oh isn't that nice? All those pretty white blooms perking up the shady areas of the garden? NOT! (extra) 

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