
By Tryfan46

BR Standard Class 4 and LB&SCR Terrier

At Wittersham Road today, together with a couple of extras with 76017 departing for Tenterden in clouds of steam and 2678 making a spirited start from the down through starting signal.

I was expecting a quiet three train service today, no crossing moves, very little to do. Until the loco Forman wanted to send the Terrier out on some test runs ahead of the Gala at the weekend.

Like all little dogs he got in the way. Nipping at the heels of the service trains, fussing around waiting for a signal so as he could bother someone else.

On the first run past the box he went off to Rother Bridge and back. Fair enough but that’s not a destination so I didn’t know exactly what he was up to until I got the train approaching bell near the up home signal.

I mentioned it’s a Gala this weekend to celebrate 50 years of reopening the KESR in June 1974. If you’re in the area, call in at Tenterden or Bodiam. If you’re near Robertsbridge go and see Class 7 Britannia running a shuttle service on the one mile track from Robertsbridge towards Bodiam.

It’s sure to be a good weekend. I’m on a learning turn at Rolvenden box on what will be the busiest turn for many a year

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