
By seizetheday

Modular construction... and Yes

We had to wait in this morning for a client to collect an instrument she'd commissioned from MrM. Then, after a quick bite to eat, we set off on our trip to York to see Yes in concert.

While waiting for the train at Huddersfield station we watched as they prepared this modular unit to be lifted onto the rest of the building. It was a very quick process, from lifting it off the lorry to putting it in place. Took this shot through the train window as we left the station.

Once in York we walked through the museum gardens to our accommodation, left our stuff, and walked back through the city to find somewhere to eat. We got soaked on the way, but had a very nice meal (and dried off!) at a Mediterranean restaurant near Clifford's Tower. It was a short distance from there to the Barbican for the concert. Yes were brilliant! No decent photos of the band, but I've added one as an extra anyway.

Afterwards, a walk back through York to the guest house, stopping on the way for a post-concert drink.

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