
By jennym999

Poppies etc.

These are flowers from a funeral we went to today. Our friend had terminal cancer, diagnosed nearly three years ago and was given a prognosis of three months. Luckily she survived for nearly three years and made the best of it doing lots with her family ( including several holidays abroad) while having lots of chemo treatment. We saw her regularly when she was feeling up to it.

The crematorium service was so good…a really good celebrant who had discussed with our friend what she would like at her funeral. Her daughters decided on a poppy theme and we were all asked to wear bright colours. Some people even had poppy printed dresses. Both at the service and afterwards at the reception her life was celebrated its many memories and photographs of a life well lived. We were given poppy seed balls to plant and hope to grow poppies so we could remember her when they flowered.
The florists struggled to get any poppies to use as not the right season for them.

Overall a sad but lovely occasion. So much nicer than many funerals I have been to,

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